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Raquel Nahmad Vazquez

Representative Partner, TNV

Attorney at Law (Mexico)


Raquel effectively advises companies on international business transactions and global legal compliance. She has experiences in helping various companies from Asia, Americas, and Europe on international legal matters in collaboration with other attorneys and experts from different jurisdictions. 

Raquel can take multisectoral and interdisciplinary approaches based on her diverse experiences in various sectors including business law practice, the government, academia, international organization, and the civil society. She has been committed to solving complex issues by effectively mediating disputes and facilitating collaborations among different stakeholders. 

Especially through her practices through TNV, Raquel has extensive knowledge and experience on Mexican and Japanese Laws and on international trade and investment between Asia and Latin America.


  • Representative Partner, TNV Law  (2015 - Present)  [International Business Law]

  • Consular Section,  Embassy of Mexico to Japan (2013-2015)  [Government]

  • Invited Researcher, Institute of Japan – U.S. Studies, Waseda University (2010-Present) [Academia]

  • Intern for the Mexican Judicial Reform Program, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (2010)[Academia]

  • Associate, International Treaties Department, Secretariat of Foreign Affairs of Mexico (2008-2009) [Government]

  • Volunteer, Sin Fronteras, I.A.P (2007-2008) [Civil Society]

  • Consultant, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2020-2021) [International Organization]

  • Intern, Organization of the American States (OAS) (2007) [International Organization]


  • Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, U.S. (2008-2009)

  • Bachelor of Law, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico (2003-2008)

  • Certificate, Law in Japan Program, Meiji University, Japan (2012)


  • Spanish (Native)

  • English (Fluent) 

  • Japanese (Intermediate)


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Publication on Covid-19 & Human Rights

for the International Bar Association 

Raquel Nahmad Vazquez co-authored an article entitled "Japan: promoting the respect of human rights by business during the Covid-19 crisis"  with Daisuke Takahashi for the IBA Business Human Rights Committee e-Bulletin published in October 2020.

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​Speech on Mexican Law for Japanese Business

at the Embassy of Mexico to Japan

In February 12, 2020, Raquel Nahmad Vazquez and Daisuke Takahashi  made a presentation on Regulatory Trends of Mexican Business Law in the event supported by the Embassy of Mexico to Japan.

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Featured as Foreign Attorney Affiliated with Japan

on a Japanese Business Law Magazine 

Raquel Nahmad Vazquez was featured as Mexican attorney affiliated with Japan in the section "Foreign Lawyers around the World" on Business Law Magazine 2017 December Issue published by Chuokezai (Japanese).


Publication on Mexican Regulatory Trends 

on a Japanese Business Law Magazine

Raquel co-authored an article entitled "Legal Practices and Risk Management in Investing to Mexico -- Backgrounds of Japanese Investment Boom and Effects of U.S. Presidential Election"with Daisuke Takahashi on Business Law Magazine February 2017 Issue, published by Chuokeizai (Japanese).

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